The idea of coming home every day to a fresh-cooked meal sounds lovely, but who’s doing the cooking? Between work, daycare pick-ups and drop-offs, soccer practice and after-school activities, dinner becomes more of an after-thought than a planned and prepped occasion, and that’s okay.
Most of us don’t mind the occasional dash through the Golden Arches or dialing up Dominoes, but it’s not good for your waistline or wallet to make a habit out of it. What other options are there? You may have seen mail order meal kits that make it easy to experiment with new recipes, sending all the ingredients in perfect portions for each meal…but you still need to actually cook the food!
INSTEAD…Decadent Delights offers you prepared meals that are delivered and hot to your door to be eaten on the spot. Or perhaps stored in your fridge or freezer and warmed up for later. They’re perfect for those who don’t want to think about what’s for dinner, are short on time and want to eat something healthier than the commercial fast food options.
All you need to do is place your order in advance and your food will be waiting for you when your are ready! Coming at the beginning of March, you will be able to order your complete evening meal days prior to needing it. Each evening will have a entrees you can select and have delivered directly to your home, or wherever your need may be. Look for more information on how you participate in the coming weeks.